Monday, August 22, 2016

You Re-tailored: The Beginning


As an explorer of myself and the world, I believe that confidence is one of the most vital things which influence your perspective and the way you interact with the world.

As a who person passionate and has a flair for not just fashion, but representing yourself in the best way possible - I can't think of a better gig than helping others discover themselves.

To give some background about me, I am a blogger at and a current Economics student. I have worked in retail but my strongest experience has been giving advice on hair, makeup and style to my family and those around me. I highly enjoy seeing progress and communicating with people and thus, want to expand my experience within the wider community.

      The Promotion:

I am running a promotion event where the first 3 people to contact me will receive FREE general personal shopping. 

I am highly knowledgeable of different brands and how they suit everyone's budget. I also understand different styles and take into consideration these factors when suggesting certain products:

  (1) your lifestyle e.g. is comfort important to you
  (2) your budget
  (3) certain preferences e.g. do you like 
  (4) makeup e.g. do you like full coverage, bold colours and again what your priorities in wearing makeup are. I also have a lot of knowledge on skin care routines too!
  (5) hair e.g. what style/colour can I suggest which suits your face shape, eyebrows and what makes you look the most youthful

* Please note this is only open to Sydney residents*

  Location: Sydney City

  Time: The best suitable times will be discussed

  Price: This promo is completely free